The Fit System

A 90-day training for driven professionals who want to get lean,
toned & strong by taking care of their body and brain while retiring
their reliance on stress

A 90-day training for driven professionals who want to get lean,
toned & strong by taking care of their body and brain while retiring
their reliance on stress

A 90-day training for driven professionals who want to get lean,
toned & strong by taking care of their body and brain while retiring
their reliance on stress


Sound like you?

  • You’re successful at work because you’ve been amazing at solving problems for years.  You always end up with a lot of responsibility and people relying on you. 
  • Your energy is low. That could be showing up as a struggle to get out of bed in the morning... or a reliance on coffee and energy drinks to bring you up… or alcohol or drugs to help you relax. 
  • Although you eat pretty healthy food, it can be hard to stop eating and you’d love to have more self-control and structure (especially when life gets crazy)… but you don’t want to count calories or rely on meal plans forever.
  • You want to release fat while developing strong muscles that not only make you lean & toned but also actively protect you as you gain in years.
  • You are ready to dial in your customized plan for getting fit and staying fit so you aren’t so you aren’t going in circles or seeing mediocre results.

Are You Ready to get fit and stay Fit?

You're brilliant at solving problems and shouldering responsibility – it's what made you successful. But your talent for thriving under pressure has become a double-edged sword. Your body and brain are paying the price of stress-fueled success, and it's not because you lack discipline or commitment. It's what we call The Dormant Champion Problem: when high achievers don't know how to protect themselves from stress while maintaining peak performance.

The Champion Activation System is your answer. This isn't just about getting lean, toned, and strong – though you'll achieve all of that. It's a proven process that helps you regulate stress and become untriggerable in the face of challenges. We teach your body and brain to thrive on better fuel sources, transforming your stress response while building your ideal physique.

It’s time to get physically & mentally stronger… for good.

The Truth is I do care even if I don’t know exactly what you’ve gone Through.

Think about it like this, you have 60,000+ thoughts a day and so many decisions that are unique to you. So it's fair to say I do understand how challenging it can be to set yourself up for success so that your body and brain continue to thrive.

I have the real-world experience to help you activate your champion so you’re protected from stress and on track with a fitness and nutrition plan that is customized for your long-term results. 

Even if you’re not sure how.
Even if you’ve been disappointed before. 
Even if it’s been a while since you enjoyed what you see in the mirror. 

I teamed up with a curriculum design expert to distill my process into a simple, actionable training series. 

We don’t just hand you another random exercise routine or meal plan. 

We develop the missing skills that are necessary for you to get fit and stay fit. 

So that you gain the independence and freedom you deserve from your efforts.

Despite all the seeming complexity and contradictions out there, we know it is possible for you to finally take control of your health. 💛



The Fit System

A 90-day training for professionals who want to get lean, toned & strong by taking care of their body and brain while retiring their reliance on stress

Activate Your


So you can consistently navigate challenges with power.

Nourish Your

Body & Brain

So you’re properly fueled to run at peak efficiency every day.

Move with

True Strength

So you sculpt a body you’re proud of.

The Program


Phase 1

Activation Code

Dive into our innovative process for activating your champion so you can always find enough time and energy to prioritize your fitness and nutrition, no matter what.

You’ll learn to control your energy and stay focused on your ultimate priority so that your body and brain get what they deserve… even when work and life gets super busy.

What You Learn

  • The proven "Champion Activation System" that dissolves any concern, excuse, procrastination or lack of discipline that has prevented you from consistently exercising and eating right… without getting hypnotized or discussing painful memories
  • The secret to quickly adjust your attitude and enjoy literally any exercise, food or task related to either – keeping you on track and having fun
  • Rattled and distracted? We’ll cover how to eliminate “noise” like worries and insecurities that hold you back from showing up for your goal from the kitchen to the gym and everywhere in between

You walk away with the ability to move through your day with less effort and more energy so you can conquer your goals with ease.

This means that you wake up refreshed and excited for the day… You have enough energy to show up fully at work… as well as the discipline to get in a quality workout AND have nourishing meals. Then rinse and repeat. For months and years on end.


Phase 2


Discover the framework that makes it easy to properly fuel yourself by eating what your brain and body actually need to release fat while building strong muscles and bones at the same time. 

You’ll learn to eat in moderation and enjoy satisfying meals without feeling limited or restricted by diets (and without being yanked around by the latest research or trends) so that you always have a strong foundation to stand on.

What You Learn

  • How to quickly glance at your customized “Calorie Flexibility Chart” so you know exactly how many calories to eat each day without feeling hungry (even if you have allergies or food sensitivities)
  • The protocol for safely accelerating fat loss and building muscle while eating food you actually enjoy… without messing up your metabolism, hormones or performance at work and causing another problem you have to fix later
  • No recipe? No problem! We’ll cover how to have quick, easy, nourishing meals every day of the week, even while you’re travelling or on vacation

You develop the secret skills that free you from a lifetime of calorie-counting, weighing & measuring so that you can stay consistent even when you’re enjoying your favorite foods or celebrating special events.

This means you can develop the skill of eating spontaneously at home, with friends or at restaurants, without planning or logging every single bite you eat – while freeing yourself from judgmental conversations about “cheat days,” “being bad,” or having to start over next week.


Phase 3

 Move with
True Strength

Gain muscles and release fat, revealing what you’re proud of… and making it easier for you to handle physical stress, recover from any illness and live longer… even if you’re busy and have struggled with motivation and consistency in the past. 

You’ll discover the way to keep your workouts fresh and exciting so you get lean, strong muscles… exactly where you want them. 

What You Learn

  • The 3-phase formula that even beginners can use to create effective, complete workouts (and yes, it can be easily customized, depending on how much time or energy you have each day)

  • How to identify YOUR customized metric that reliably burns fat both during cardio and strength-training – with a scientifically-backed process
  • PLUS my growing library of 30+ video demonstrations (categorized for beginner, intermediate & advanced) so you can see exactly how to develop agility, balance and coordination ANYWHERE… So you have more physical freedom and security as you age

You will understand how to maximize the time and energy that you spend exercising so you protect the asset that you are, functioning better day-to-day, both at work and with your loved ones. 

Because – just like with a retirement account – the more strength, power and stamina you can put in your cellular “bank account” now, the better off you are in the long run. 

THAT is real-world strength when you need it most.

Here’s What You Get


An account to log into the Champion In Command website (“homebase”) so you can watch video trainings 


Materials shipped to you with 2- to 3-day, tracked shipping so you transfer the concepts into your real world


Weekly 1:1 coaching sessions


Weekly group sessions


Personalized tracking that optimizes your nutrition and physical fitness


Customized nourishment recommendations


Customized exercise recommendations for complete workouts


Video library of demonstrations for beginners, intermediate and advanced

What this means

  • Create the stability, structure and security to finally have a solid foundation to get fit and stay fit
  • Get physically and mentally stronger so you can handle stress more easily
  • Always have time to exercise by knowing how to adapt without sacrificing results
  • Fuel your energy for peak productivity at work, at home and at play
  • Make the right food choices anywhere, anytime, with anyone
  • Have strong muscles that not only make you feel better when you look in the mirror but actively protect you.
  • Get your sex drive back 
  • Enjoy being in command of your body and brain

Your Next Step is to
Watch Our Free, In-Depth Training:

Exactly How to Get Fit & Stay Fit so You’re Lean, Toned &
Strong Enough to Stop Stressing & Start Performing At Your Best

Exactly How to Get Fit & Stay Fit so You’re Lean, Toned &
Strong Enough to Stop Stressing & Start Performing At Your Best