SAT MAY 4 (90-min Workshop) “Get Over What Stops You From Rocking Your Business”


Do you resist taking action on particular tasks that will move your business forward? Or do you put off making certain choices for your business? 

If you’ve been struggling to move through fear, doubt or uncertainty so you can show up for your business and take action…

Join Jaime Miller & Craig Gobroski live in Zoom on

Saturday, May 4

for a live 90-minute workshop in Zoom

starting at 9 AM PST / 12 PM EST


By the end of the workshop, you will experience how to:

  • Dissolve the resistance you have to doing essential tasks that move your business forward (examples include: marketing, using technology, tracking finances, getting organized)

  • Flip excuses, procrastination and resistance into genuine energy and motivation

  • Find the lever in your own mind to stop hitting snooze on priorities… Specifically the tasks in any business coaching programs that you have not been able to find the motivation or commitment to do

  • Claim your free secret bonus

Prerequisites / Requirements:

This workshop is only for people who…

  • are serious about identifying & getting past what’s blocked them in their business
  • have a printer (because you’ll print 2 worksheets so that you can participate fully on Saturday, May 4)


“Will there be hotseats?” / “Will I have to talk in front of the group or with a partner?” No.  Although there will be an opportunity to ask questions, the workshop is designed to give you ample personal time to experience the process for turning your resistance or procrastination into genuine motivation and action.

“What if I can’t attend live? Will there be a recording?”  There will not be a recording.

“I can’t make this. When will the next one be?” We don’t currently have any plans to offer another workshop, so if you miss this, there’s a chance that you will not have another opportunity.



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